Monday, July 30, 2007

Back at Home

This is just a final post to let everyone know I made it home safe and sound. Unfortunately, my last day on my trip was actually my worst. I overslept my last day and missed my transport pick up to go river rafting, and spent that night in a casino playing poker (at one point being up $600 and then overall walking out about with $150 in profit) and not being able to find my friends who I planned to go out with. Despite this, the trip was obviously an unforgettable experience and adventure, and only foreshadows the amazing travels I will continue to have in the future.

Thanks to everybody who kept up with this blog and posted comments, and another apology for slacking the last couple weeks. Expect the next blog to begin this coming winter, when I begin my semester studying a country to be determined. Pura Vida!

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